Last weekend, I had the great pleasure to host Kate Magic for a magical workshop on raw and superfoods here in Berlin. Kate is the founder of one of Europe's biggest online sellers of raw products and superfoods, Raw Living, where you can find a great selection of products. The store features not only regular raw food products, but also exotic ayurvedic herbs like Ashwaganda, medicinal mushrooms like reishi, brain stimulants like Etherium Gold or amazing sweeteners like black currant powder or baobab. Kate is a most loving mother of 3 beautiful kids and has also written and published 4 books, one of which, Raw Magic, explaining the use of the aforementioned superfoods, as well as many more, in your daily life with a great selection of sweet and savory recipes.

During Saturday's workshop which took part in my studio loft, Kate focused more on the practicalities and also went into much more depth in the theory of raw food. During 4 hours, packed with information on raw foods, a healthy diet and theoretical background on superfoods and the general raw food diet, Kate shared with us four of her favorite recipes: a sunflower seed mayonnaise, a mouthwatering nut and seed free yellow curry, coconut oil based maca - macadamia chocolate bars as well as the best cake ever: A fluffy sprouted buckwheat cake base sweetened with lucuma, xylotol and maca, topped with a purple frosting, made from avocado, purple corn and blackcurrant powder. So yummy and surprisingly light for a raw cake!

It was a great workshop with lots of helpful, practical information and yummy food. Thank you Kate for bringing your Raw Magic to Berlin and hopefully there will be more people in the future to get a taste of it, when she comes back next year in spring :-)

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