Coming back to Berlin from vegan's and raw foodist's heaven San Francisco, I was afraid, I would never be able to go out again if I wanted to keep eating a purely organic, vegan, rawfood diet. I should be wrong: Doing a little Google search on vegan and rawfood in Berlin, I came across
La Mano Verde, a recently opened vegan restaurant with a partially raw vegan menu. Fantastic! And perfect timing, because opening up the link to their website the first thing that caught my attention was an upcoming raw food showcase event on the weekend of the 17th and 18th of January. Guest chef and health consultant
Urs Hochstrasser offered exclusive 4 or 5 course raw food dinners and lunches. I had to go and compare to my recently acquired skills :-)
So I convinced my friend

Roisin to spend the astronomical sum (for Berlin standards of course) of 25€ on a four course raw food lunch last Saturday. After our 25 minute trip out to Friedenau, we entered the very classy and tastefully furnished restaurant and were seated by owner and manager Jean-Christian Jury. After only a few minutes i could not help my excitement and introduced myself as a newly graduated raw food chef from the Tree of Life. I could see an uplifting smile in his face and throughout the entire lunch, we kept talking end exchanging experiences. He used to be the manager of the
SAF restaurants (London, Munich and Istanbul). Chad Surno, the head chef of London's SAF, used to work at the Tree of Life! Jean's current chef Björn who was one of SAF's best chefs, came out from the kitchen right away to say hello as well. What an amazing connection, I felt at home immediately :-)
And then, when I mentioned I would go to Thailand for a month to do a massage course, Jean's smile opened up entirely. It turned out, he used to live there for many years and organized the first full moon party on Koh Phangan, the island where I will go to in a week to do an advanced course in
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage at
The Sanctuary, a beautiful resort on a secluded beach near Had Rin on Koh Phangan. I knew, I was on the right path!
But let's get to the food. The soup was a creamy blend of zucchini, served with a dollup of an almond paste that resembles a crème fraìche and some edible flowers on top. The taste was simple but delicious.
As a starter, we got served a farmers salad from endive, field salad and sprouts, tossed in a creamy macadamia nut dressing and served with a crunchy flax carrot cracker on the side.
The main course was a cauliflower curry, beautifully arranged in a heart shape with a web of dehydrated red beet shreds stuck in it. This was accompanied with a carrot pinenut raita on a carrot cream.
Desert was a mango coconut cream with marbled raspberry coulis.
The presentation of each course was very beautiful with lots of love for detail.
It all tasted delicious: subtle, natural flavours that complemented each other well.
And on top it was very comforting and reassuring to see that I was very familiar with all of the dishes and their preparation methods and could have easily assembled a similar menu myself :-)
I was so motivated, I went home that afternoon and prepared a raw carrot cake from nutflowers, nuts, dates, lemon and orange peel and spices with a creamy, heavenly cashew vanilla frosting. I had to lick the blender after I put the cream on the cake ;-)
The Saturday lunch experience got me so excited, I had to go back to the restaurant on Sunday evening with my lovely neighbours Philip and Michael to taste chef Björns creations. I was impressed! I had Raw Beet Ravioli with Cashew Ricotta Filling on fresh fennel followed by Zucchini and Bell Pepper "Linguini" with a Cashew Cream Sauce and Marinated Shitake Mushrooms. Both plates were beautifully presented and well composed in terms of both colours and flavours. Also my two friends and raw food newbies were very pleased. The athmosphere of the restaurant in the evening is very intimate. The large dimly lit chandeliers and candles on every table and on the counters and relaxing jazz and piano music in the background create a stylish at the same time cozy and comforting athmosphere. Then, the moment of truth: Raw Blueberry Cheesecake was the seasonal raw food desert of the day. Will it reach the level of "Desert Godess" Gisela's magic Sunday Brunch deserts at the Tree of Life? When it arrived, I was already bought by the presentation: it came surrounded by a marbled duett of a white and dark sauce and with a handful of extra blueberries, m favourite fruit. I spooned the first bite, put it on my tongue, and.... HEAVEN... I wanted to melt away... it passed :-)
The resumé: It's a little out of the way from central Mitte, Kreuzberg or Prenzlauer Berg, but La Mano Verde is a rising star that's certainly worth seeking out on Berlin's new horizon.